Help - Ordering

What forms of payment can I use?

We won't ask you for any payment until we've made sure that all the goods in your shopping basket have been processed. And to make sure you always have the highest level of security, your payment details are automatically encrypted when you enter them.

You can pay for your online order using most credit or debit cards - Visa, MasterCard, Delta, or Maestro/Switch cards are all accepted.

Cheques and postal orders are also accepted. Cheques should be made payable to “Frank and Faith”. Goods are dispatched once the payments have cleared into our bank account.

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How do I use a promotion code?

Add items to your basket and proceed to checkout.

On the final confirmation page there is a button that takes you to voucher and promotion code section. You'll need to enter the promotion code to get the discount or special offer on your order.

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I have a gift voucher

Add items to your basket and proceed to checkout.

When you reach the order summary page, enter the gift voucher code to redeem as payment against the order.

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